Sludge Drying Beds and Generator Replacement - City of Winchester, Randolph Count
Sludge Drying Beds and Generator Replacement
Owner: City of Winchester, Randolph Count
Location: Winchester, IN
Engineer: HWC Engineering
Status: Completed
Contract Amount: $1,275,205.47
Description: This contract included the installation of four additional drying beds, with associated concrete, filter media, valves, and piping. Ottenweller Contracting also made improvements to the staging area and replaced the filter media and valves in the six existing drying beds. The old generator was removed from the garage building and a new, exterior, diesel powered generator was installed on its own concrete pad. We also installed a new auto transfer switch. The Motor Control Center (MCC) inside the garage building was replaced - as well as the Motor Control Center inside the Headworks building. We also replaced associated electrical wiring between the two buildings.