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Website Development
- Review and Update content from current website.
- Emphasize on quality design, most relevant services and company values.
Project 2nd Phase
- Review and Update content from current website.
- Create a design that captures all relevant information about the business.
- Review and Update content from current website.
- Create a design that captures all relevant information about the business.
- Review and Update content from current website.
- Create a design that captures all relevant information about the main projects complete by the company.
- Develop an expandable content tool to display up 5-10 projects with the "view more" button.
- Content for this page will be update frequently as new projects are completed.
- This page is updated frequently as new job openings are available/or as positions are filled.
- Develop a form to collect basic-resume information with the option to upload a resume file and cover letter. This information is sent to HR.
- Disclaimers must be displayed on this page.
- Review and Update content from current website.
- Develop a form to collects name, phone, email address and a message from person requesting information.
This information is sent to receptionist to forward message into the company.
- Display company locations, public phone numbers, hour of operations and map location.
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